Sunday 1 April 2012

Clinton urges China to prove intentions

WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday called on China to show in "concrete ways" that its rise is in the world's interest, saying that Beijing needs to take greater responsibility.

In a wide-ranging speech on relations between the Pacific powers, Clinton renewed US calls on China to protect the rights of foreign businesses, adjust the "unfair" value of its currency and improve its human rights record.

Clinton adamantly rejected perceptions in Beijing that the United States is trying to contain China, and insisted that a stronger and more prosperous China was ultimately in the interests of both countries.

But Clinton said that China's growth means that it cannot "have it both ways" by asking to be treated as a rising power in some areas and as a developing nation with fewer responsibilities in others.

"The world is looking for China to play a role that is commensurate with its new standing and that means it can no longer be a selective stakeholder" in world affairs, Clinton said at the US Institute of Peace.

"It is understandable that the international community wants some confidence that a country's growing power will be used for the benefit of all," Clinton said. (AFP)

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