Sunday 1 April 2012

China passes controversial criminal law

BEIJING: Chinese lawmakers on Wednesday passed into law controversial changes that give the police powers to detain some suspects for up to six months in secret locations known as "black jails".

Detentions in unofficial locations such as hotels or guesthouses in China are well-documented. Last year many people - from renowned artist Ai Weiwei to rights lawyers and petitioners - were illegally held in locations away from formal detention areas, sometimes for months.

But critics say the amendments to China's Criminal Procedure Law would legalise the practice for people considered a threat to the Communist Party such as political dissidents, dozens of whom were detained last year.

The bill was passed at the final session of the National People's Congress, with 2,639 delegates voting in favour of the amendments. Only 160 lawmakers opposed the bill, and 57 abstained from the vote.

"The legislation would provide dangerous exemptions from due process for entire categories of criminal suspects, including those who simply wish to peacefully express their opinion," Amnesty International said in a statement.

The proposed amendments caused a storm of protest from rights groups and judicial reformers when details first emerged in 2011, and have since been watered down.

A new clause in the latest draft would oblige police to inform relatives of those held outside formal detention centres within 24 hours of their detention, although it is not clear whether the location would be disclosed. (AFP)

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