Sunday 8 April 2012

Will never receive Zardari: Shahbaz

ARIFWALA: Chief Minister Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif has said that he would rather resign than receive President Asif Ali Zardari who has looted billions of rupees and stashed away in Swiss banks.

Addressing a public meeting here Saturday, Shahbaz said he would resign 100 times but never receive Zardari.

The chief minister said Asif Zardari was under a wrong impression that he could snatch their glory.

Shahbaz challenged the President to go to any place of his own choosing from Peshawar to Karachi and get the picture of what the masses really think of him.

Had it been Benazir Bhutto, he would have received her 100 times as she was a democratic force, Shahbaz said.

Mr. Zardari hatched conspiracy against 100 million people and plunged the Punjab into darkness, Shahbaz Sharif claimed.

He said Zardari did drive out Musharraf but presented him a 21-gun-salute farewell. "Musharraf and his stooges still continue to be the companions of Zardari," he added.

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