Sunday 8 April 2012

Veena is on Geo's Nadia Khan Show today

KARACHI: Famous actress Veena Malik said that what she has done with Ashmit what was right and she was not repenting her decision.

Veena said that one actress had given money to a man to throw acid on her (Veena) face. She said she doesn’t know what to say about a person who makes money by making his wife dance.

Veena Malik made these revelations during her interview in Geo's programme the 'Nadia Khan Show.'

While talking to host Nadia Khan, Veena Malik revealed several things in connection with conflicting stories and scandals relating to her personal life.

The discussion with Veena Malik will be presented today (April 8, Sunday) at 10:30 pm in the Nadia Khan Show.

It should be remembered that Nadia Khan held a special meeting with Veena Malik in Dubai where she carried out her interview.

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