Wednesday 4 April 2012

Palin pans Julianne Moore in Game Change

WASHINGTON: Sarah Palin gave a visible thumbs-down to actress Julianne Moore on Tuesday for her portrayal of Palin in the political docudrama "Game Change," but praised Tina Fey for her comic impersonation of the former Alaska governor.

The movie review came up during a NBC "Today Show" panel discussion on whether Ashton Kutcher was the right actor to play the late Apple chief Steve Jobs.

"Do any of you have experience of people being paid a lot of money to pretend they're you?" Palin asked the other panelists.

When the question of Moore's portrayal of Palin came up, Palin made a thumbs-down gesture, but said she hadn't seen the HBO film about the 2008 election, in which she was Republican presidential candidate John McCain's vice presidential running mate.

"I didn't see 'Game Change' because I don't waste my time on lies," Palin said.

She praised Fey, who repeatedly portrayed Palin, complete with characteristic upswept hair-do and glasses, on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" during the 2008 campaign.

In her dual role as guest and guest-host on the "Today" program, Palin first sat for an interview and then switched to comment on various segments of the show. (Reuters)

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