Thursday 19 April 2012

Julia Roberts eyes Bollywood

MUMBAI: According to Indian media, Hollywood actress Julia Robert is set to buy a house in India as well take a shot in the kaleidoscopic tinsel town called Bollywood.

Julia’s fascination for India is not new. The ‘Pretty woman’ fell in love with the sub-continent while she was here to shoot for her movie ‘Eat, Pray, Love’.

The 44-year-old, who converted to Hinduism in 2009 confirmed this report saying, “I can see something like that (buying a house here) happening in the future. I would love to live near Haridwar or Varanasi, since they are such holy spots for Hinduism. I’ve heard land prices are astronomical there, though.”

Interestingly, it’s not just Julia who is in awe with India, the love is shared by her entire family. In her last interview with a daily she said that her daughter Hazel wants to live in India when she grows up.

So is her plan to book a property in India a step towards materializing her daughters dream? She said, “I wish I could give a concrete answer to that, since I really enjoyed my first visit here. But, unfortunately, given my line of work, I can’t promise anything. However, whenever I come to India, I’ll bring my kids along.”

Asked if she is teaching her kids about Indian culture? “Right now, they’re too young to grasp the nuances of culture and religion. However, as they grow up, I’d like them to be knowledgeable and respectful towards all cultures. I’ll make sure they know about India.”

Roberts confessed that she is herself on a learning mode. “My Hindi is terrible! The only things I can manage are basic greetings like ‘Namaste’.” That, though, doesn’t stop her from loving Bollywood. “I’m fascinated by Bollywood ... I don’t know much about it, but I’d love to give it a try,” she said.

Julia’s new film ‘Snow White’ directed by Tarsem Singh, an American of Indian origin is set to release in India on 20th April.

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