Friday 20 April 2012

Blast kills 10 security forces in Syria

DAMASCUS: A powerful blast killed 10 security force personnel in the southern Syrian region of Quneitra on Friday, state television reported, blaming the explosion on “terrorists”.

“An armed terrorist group exploded a 100-kilogramme (220-pound) bomb in Sahm al-Jolan in the region of Quneitra, killing 10 members of the security forces,” the television said.

Quneitra is located near the border with Israel, in the disputed Golan Heights.

Friday's blast took place as the international community seeks to pressure the Syrian regime to implement a ceasefire that went into effect on April 12. (AFP)

The truce has been severely tested since then, with violence and casualties reported across the strife-torn country every day. More than 120 people have died since April 12, according to a monitoring group.

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