Thursday 19 April 2012

ANF names Musa Gilani in Ephedrine case

ISLAMABAD: The Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) has filed a miscellaneous petition in the Supreme Court in the Ephedrine quota issue and named Ali Musa Gilani as an accused.

Brig Faheem Ahmed Khan of ANF informed the Supreme Court of eight new accused in the case including Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's principal secretary Khushnood Lashari, Ministry of Narcotics Control Secretary Zafar Abbas Luk, MNA Mian Abdus Sattar, Anjum Shah, Drug Controller Sheikh Ansar and Deputy Drug Controller, Abdus Sattar Suhrani.

An MNA from Multan and younger son of Prime Minister Gilani, Ali Musa Gilani is in South Africa on his honeymoon.

The PM has directed his son to cut short his trip and return to Pakistan to face charges of his alleged involvement in the Rs7 billion scam of illegal sale of Ephedrine.

He is accused of involvement in the multi-billion financial scam regarding the distribution of Ephedrine - a chemical used in medicine - at a much greater quantity than the allotted quota.

Before his name could be placed on the Exit Control List (ECL) for his alleged role in the drug quota scandal, the recently elected MNA Ali Musa Gilani had left for South Africa on April 10.

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