Saturday 31 March 2012

Profit rates on savings schemes increase

ISLAMABAD: The Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) has revised the profit rates on National Savings Schemes effective from April 1.

According to a notification, the profit rate on Special Savings Certificates (Registered) Accounts has been increased from 11.67% to 11.87% per annum. Similarly the profit rate on Regular Income Certificates has been enhanced from 11.76 % to 12.12% p.a.

Likewise, the profit rate on Bahbood Savings Certificates has been raised from 13.86% to 14.28% p.a.

The profit rate on Pensioner Benefit Account has been increased from 13.86% to 14.28% p.a., on Defence Savings Certificates from 11.90% to 12.33% and on Savings Accounts from 8.25% to 8.40% p.a.

Meanwhile, Zafar M.Shaikh, Director General of National Savings, chaired a meeting at the Directorate of Inspection and Accounts here on Friday to monitor the progress in respect of outstanding recoveries,
pending audit position, annotated replies to audit reports and random surprise visits of National Savings Centers by the officers posted at DIA, Zonal Heads as well as through Inspecting Officers.

The meeting attended among others by Muhammad Anwar, Director (Admn), Raja Khan, Director (DIA),Talib Hussain Awan, Joint Director and Nadir Zaman Khan, Assistant Director. Raja Khan, Director, DIA given detail briefing to worthy Director General.

The Director General stressed that the outstanding recoveries should be made on war footing basis and all types of audit observations may be settled on priority.

In this context the Director General and the Deputy Director will personally visit all the regions to settle the issue on the spot. (APP)

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